28 maj 2008

Shugurimi i Julit - Letra e falenderimit ne anglisht

Dear brothers/sisters/friends -- leaders/administrators, coaches/mentors, pastors/workers, professors, colleagues and former classmates, from past and present,

My wife Beatrice (Trixi) and I are very humbled and delighted to share with you all the news on the recent approval from "the brethren" for me to receive the ministerial credentials . The ordination ceremony will be taking place in Croatia, this coming Sabbath, May 31st, 2008, where I will be ordained together with 9 other pastors from the Adriatic Union Conference. On this wonderful occasion, I would like to extend my deepest thanks for your generous and precious time, support, prayers, encouragement, personal example, coaching, counselling, but just as importantly, for all your critique, admonishment, bluntness, challenging, and those "difficult" chats -- I would not be where I am without any of the latter!

From those distant, yet unforgettable days of the summer of 1992, when Alban and I, prompted by Pastor David Currie, received the divine calling for pastoral ministry, to this day, I have been honoured to serve/learn/contribute in/at/to our wonderful church family that I have encountered everywhere -- Trans-European Division (1992-present), Newbold College (1995, 1996-1999, 2003-2005), Adriatic Union Conference (1999-present) and Albanian Mission (1993-present), as volunteer, literature evangelist, Bible worker, intern, church planter, editor, theology student/"systematician", student/assistant residence-hall dean, chaplain, team/social club leader, licensed pastor, -- I am grateful to TED/NC/AUC/AM for supporting my formal education/employment, as well as for impacting and shaping my character, ministry, vision and sense of mission.

Trixi and I are currently serving in Tirana, Albania's capital, pastoring and re-planting Tirana-Central Adventist Church and other affiliated groups/companies, with a target/focus on young professionals. As we see our church grow by the day in spirituality and numbers, we can only testify with humility of the miracles the Holy Spirit is performing in Tirana and the rest of Albania through our ministry, as we remain committed, optimistic and excited about the prospective growth of God's Kingdom in Albania.

We thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for all of you,

Kindest regards and greetings from Tirana,

Julian & Beatrice Kastrati

18 maj 2008


  1. E shtune 24 maj - 11:00 Dite vizitoresh - Program i vecante adhurimi ne qender - me miq te vecante nga Franca - Ftoni miqte dhe te afermit!
  2. E shtune 24 maj - Ceremoni pagezimi 16:30 ne Divjake - te gjithe te ftuar.
  3. E diel 25 maj - Turnamenti i futbollit i kishave Adventiste te rajonit ne Shkup.
  4. Cdo te marte 18:00 -Studim Biblik - "Vargje te veshtira nga Bibla" - ne zyrat e Misionit (Vila 70, Selite)
  5. Cdo te premte 19:00 - Takimi i Rinise

07 maj 2008

Amantia 3 vjec

Amantia u be 3 vjec ( 3 Prill 2008)

Ne shkolle (kopesht) shoket e shoqet e Amantias i bene nje program me kenege dhe lojra dhe i dhane dhurata e cokollata.

Koleget e babit i bene nje mini-party.

06 maj 2008

Gezuar Ditelindjen!

Sa mire do te ishte te mbanim mend dhe te uronim njeri-tjetrin per ditelindje!Sot p.sh., eshte ditelindja e Elires, per ta nga ju qe nuk e mbajne mend ajo eshte vajza e "teta" Neles, dhe per momentin ndodhet ne Shtetet e Bashkuara,E dashur Elira, ne emer te Kishes tende "meme", te uroj gjithe te mirat dhe bekimet e Perendise,

03 maj 2008

Nuk kam kohe te jem shenjtor/e

Nga Shen Teresa e Avilas - Shekulli XVI

Zot i gjithe eneve dhe tiganeve dhe gjerave,

meqenese nuk kam kohe te behem nje shenjtore e madhe duke bere gjera te bukura

apo te meditoj deri vone per Ty, a te enderroj ne driten e agimit apo te vershoj drejt portave te parajses

beme shenjtore ndersa gatuaj gjelle dhe laj pjatat

Ndonese duhet te kem duart e Martes, kam mendjen e Marise, dhe kur llustroj cizmet e kepucet,

Zot, atje gjej sandalet e Tua, mendoj se si shkelen mbi toke, sa here qe pastroj me dore dyshemene

Pranoje kete meditim Zot, nuk kam kohe per me shume

Ngrohe gjithe kuzhinen me dashurine Tende, dhe ndricoje me paqen tende;

M’i fal te gjitha merakosjet, dhe m’i ndal murmuritjet e qarjet

Ti qe do aq shume sa i jep njerezve per te ngrene, ne toke apo ne det, pranoje sherbimin qe une bej,

sepse e bej per Ty!