27 dhjetor 2008
Gëzuar Festat!
Faleminderit të gjithëve!
Pastor Juli
22 dhjetor 2008
18 dhjetor 2008
07 dhjetor 2008
Zoti ju bekoftë,
28 nëntor 2008
16 nëntor 2008
Sabat 15 nëntor 2008!
Faleminderit dhe njëherë,
13 nëntor 2008
SABAT SPECIAL - këtë të shtunë - 15 NENTOR!
Këtë të shtunë jeni të ftuar posaçërisht të lini streset e javës dhe të çlodheni në praninë Hyjnore dhe shoqërinë e motrave e vëllezërve besimtarë.
Këtë të shtunë kishës sonë i shtohen 4 anëtarë të rinj, familja misionare Mays (David, Brenda, Megan dhe Moriah) nga Berati! Gjithashtu, me ne në adhurim do të jenë të gjithë drejtuesit e Unionit Adriatik, (përgjegjës për Kishën Adventiste në Shqipëri, Kroaci e Slloveni), njëri prej të cilëve edhe do të predikojë.
Last but not least, këtë të shtunë do të kemi të gjithë mundësinë për të kontribuar për Sarah-n e vogël, vajzën e Marjetës, në një ofertë speciale e cila do të ndihmojë në mundësimin e operacionit të dytë të Sarah-s në Mynih.
Ejani së bashku me miqtë e familjarët tuaj në shtëpinë e paqes dhe përtërituni shpirtërisht ditën që Zoti ndau veç për kënaqësinë tonë, dhe kontribuoni në rritjen cilësore dhe sasiore të kishës sonë!
Zoti ju bekoftë,
07 nëntor 2008
05 nëntor 2008
Te lutemi per ndertesen ne qender!
03 nëntor 2008
29 tetor 2008
21 tetor 2008
15 tetor 2008
06 tetor 2008
02 tetor 2008
Lajmërime te ndryshme
11 shtator 2008
25 gusht 2008
E RE!!!
22 gusht 2008
Sherbesa e adhurimit fillon ne ora 10:30 (Kisha e Durresit ndodhet perballe poliklinikes qendrore). Per me teper info, telefononi 0693246470.
Sabat te lumtur te gjitheve,
14 gusht 2008
30 korrik 2008
Çfarë besojnë Adventistët (Anglisht)
-- As a Christian church, Seventh-day Adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the Holy Scriptures. Adventists describe these beliefs in the following ways: God's greatest desire is for you to see a clear picture of His character. When you see Him clearly, you will find His love irresistible. For many, "seeing God clearly" requires that they see God's face. However, how He looks is not the issue. Seeing and understanding His character is what's most important. The more clearly we understand Him, the more we will find His love irresistible.
As we begin to experience His love, our own lives will begin to make more sense. God most clearly reveals His character in three great events. The first is His creation of man and woman--and His giving them the freedom of choice. He created humans with the ability to choose to love Him or to hate Him! The death of Jesus Christ, God's only Son, on the cross as our substitute is the second great event. In that act He paid the penalty we deserve for our hateful choices toward God and His ways. Jesus' death guarantees forgiveness for those choices and allows us to spend eternity with Him. The third event confirms the first two and fills every heart with hope: Christ's tomb is empty! He is alive, living to fill us with His love! Jesus' disciple John wrote that if everyone wrote all the stories they knew about Jesus, the whole world could not contain them.
Our knowledge of God helps us understand His love, character, and grace. Experiencing that love begins a lifelong adventure in growth and service. This knowledge and experience powers our mission to tell the world about His love and His offer of salvation. Scripture is a road map. The Bible is God's voice, speaking His love personally to you today. The Bible speaks the Creator's directions to us, like a detailed road map that clearly shows the exit ramp directly into heaven. It is also much like an owner's manual for a life ready to be lived on the cutting edge of liberty. Sometimes His voice speaks through stories, such as those of David and Goliath, Ruth and Boaz, Naaman's little servant girl, Christ on the cross, and fisherman Peter learning how to tend sheep. Some of these stories teach us how to handle the troubles we face each day. Others fill us with hope and peace. Each of them is like a personal letter from God to you.
Portions of Scripture are direct instructions and laws from God such as the Ten Commandments, recorded in Exodus 20. These tell us more about God and His expectations for us. When people asked Jesus to summarize these commands, He focused on the way God's love affects the way we live. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul," He said. "And love your neighbor as you love yourself." On other pages the Bible gives God's practical advice and encouragement through parables, lists, promises, and warnings. Amazingly, though many different writers throughout thousands of years wrote the Bible, each page describes the same God in ways we can understand and apply in our lives today. This book is always His voice talking personally to anyone who is willing to read and hear. God loves us even when we choose to reject His love. In those times He allows us to walk away into the life of our own choices. Yet He is still there, always ready to redeem us from the results of our decisions. Jesus is the one who never changes in a universe that always does.
Jesus is Creator, Sustainer, Saviour, Friend, God's Son, and God Himself! Everything in this world is always changing, even our desires, interests, skills, and body shapes. But Jesus? He's consistent. He's always the same. Sure, He's always surprising us and touching our lives in thousands of new and different ways, but His character is unchanging. He's God's Son, the Creator, our Saviour, and Friend. Jesus has promised to be all of that, and more, for each of us. We can trust His promises because He is God. When the words of Colossians say "in Him all things hold together" (1:17, NIV) that includes everything in our lives. He keeps us whole when the enemy is trying to make us fall apart. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Jesus is one of the three persons, called the Trinity, who make up our one God. The Bible describes Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit as each being committed to our growth as Christians and to our salvation as their children. They made this salvation possible when Jesus came to Bethlehem as a human baby. He lived a life perfectly in accord with God's will and then died innocently for all of our sins. He was placed in a borrowed tomb, but He came back to life three days later. Now he is in heaven interceding with the Father for us, preparing for our deliverance from sin and death.
When everything may be falling apart, when you feel totally alone in the universe, Jesus is right there in the center of it all, offering personal peace and hope. Allow Him into your life. He immediately begins "remodeling" who you are and how you live. Jesus, in fact, is busily transforming His followers into accurate representatives of God's character. Look to Jesus, and you'll be looking into the understanding and loving face of God. God's vision for you is life as He lives it! God loves you, and wants to give you the highest quality of life imaginable. No, not a second-rate existence somewhere on earth, but the highest quality of life imaginable, here and in eternity with Him! That's what God wants us to have. The best! This is why He provides church families where we can belong. This is why He gives each of us special gifts and talents, so we can live life fully. Amazingly, this is why He's concerned about what you're doing, when you're doing it, and how you relate to Him. God doesn't want anything to get in the way of our friendship. He especially doesn't want us to get involved in anything damaging or hurtful. He's like a loving father or a good big brother. He's someone who loves you so much that He's always looking out for you.
When God designed you, He included special talents and skills that will help you become a uniquely valuable individual. These may be your ability to teach, your love for others, or your leadership skills. Still, whatever special gifts you have received, God has also provided all of the energy and wisdom necessary for you to use them well. By the way, how God feels about death is part of the quality life He offers. For followers of Christ, death holds no fear. Remember, Jesus defeated death on Calvary and has given us freedom from death. Cemeteries, then, are filled with followers of God who are in the "peaceful pause before the resurrection." Yes, they are dead, but that death holds no power over their future. Jesus is coming to take them (and those of us who are still living) HOME! Death is almost like a wintery promise of spring. The Seventh-day Adventist faith in today and in the future comes from seeing this life "overflowing" with hope! Because love is the key aspect of His character, God is also deeply into gratitude. Before we even finish saying thank you, He's already busy sending more blessings.
In the heart of God is a place you can experience as home. God loves you, and wants to spend time with you personally, one on one, as two close friends. Because you and God are friends, you will spend time together as friends do. Each morning you'll share a hello and a hug and discuss how you can face the day's events together. Throughout the day you'll talk with Him about how you feel. You'll laugh with Him at funny things and ache with Him over sadness and hurts. It's pleasant being God's friend, able to snuggle comfortably into the safety of your relationship. You can always trust Him to treat you well, because He loves you. The seventh day (Saturday) is an extra-special part of the relationship. The Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, describes the seventh day as the one day God has set aside for focused fellowship with His people. God has named that day "Sabbath" and asked us to spend it with Him. "Remember the sabbath day," He says, "to keep it holy." The Sabbath is a whole day to deepen our friendship with the Creator of the universe! A day when we're together, Jesus with us and us with Jesus.
There's another great truth about friendship with God. It doesn't end in a cemetery, for God is planning a homecoming better than anything we can dream. A homecoming filled with angels, trumpets, Jesus, and resurrections! He's promised to bring His followers, those who have accepted the offer of His life-changing love, from this earth to His home, a place He calls heaven. A place where our friendship can go on growing forever, endlessly, joyfully! God keeps a family album-and your picture is in it. God loves you and has a plan for your life. God's love is about you. Personally. God made you and has a very special plan for your life. It's a plan that will fill you with hope, love, peace, and activity. In fact, when Christ paid the penalty for sin on the cross, that gave Him the right to claim you as His own. As a result, you can experience His love and priceless salvation freely and fully without limit. By the way, pictures of everyone fill that album: Nepalese, Brazilians, Nigerians, Yupiks, Germans, people of every nation, culture, background, gender, hair color, and foot size. In God's eyes all are equally "children of the King"!
Salvation? God cleans away all our sins and replaces them with His goodness. We don't have to be "good" for Him to accept us. Nevertheless, we must accept His promise and allow Him to clean out everything the enemy has left in us. Then we begin to experience the transforming power of His love. It's like a giant war: one side pulling us toward empty pleasure and destruction, and God urging us to accept His offer of peace and purpose. Remember, Jesus has already won the war. He is victorious! We celebrate His victory in our lives when we participate in the Lord's Supper. This meal includes three symbols: Foot washing (which symbolizes our commitment to love others as Jesus loves us), bread ("This bread is my flesh," Jesus said, "which I will give for the life of the world," John 6:51, NIV), and wine or grape juice ("Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life." John 6:54, NIV)
To help us understand how God can transform us into His children, Jesus modeled the process of baptism for us. Baptism symbolized dying to self and coming alive in Jesus. Seventh-day Adventists practice full immersion baptism because by being fully buried beneath the water we symbolize that God's grace fully fills us with His new life for the future. Through baptism we are truly born again in Jesus. Eternal life, peace, purpose, forgiveness, transforming grace, hope: Everything He promises is ours, because He's offering it and He's shown we can trust Him to do exactly as He promises. Accept His gifts, and you immediately become an active part of His family, and He joyfully becomes part of yours.
15 korrik 2008
14 korrik 2008
Sabat, 12 korrik 2008

Faleminderim te vecante te gjitheve ju qe po e trajtoni ardhjen ne kishe si prioritet, pavaresisht nga vapa apo sezoni i pushimeve!
07 korrik 2008
28 qershor 2008
Sabat 28 qershor 2008 - 1 Gjonit 4:7-11
Zoti ju bekofte, Juli.
20 qershor 2008
Zoti ju bekofte dhe shihemi neser,
10 qershor 2008
28 maj 2008
Shugurimi i Julit - Letra e falenderimit ne anglisht
Dear brothers/sisters/friends -- leaders/administrators, coaches/mentors, pastors/workers, professors, colleagues and former classmates, from past and present,
My wife Beatrice (Trixi) and I are very humbled and delighted to share with you all the news on the recent approval from "the brethren" for me to receive the ministerial credentials . The ordination ceremony will be taking place in Croatia, this coming Sabbath, May 31st, 2008, where I will be ordained together with 9 other pastors from the Adriatic Union Conference. On this wonderful occasion, I would like to extend my deepest thanks for your generous and precious time, support, prayers, encouragement, personal example, coaching, counselling, but just as importantly, for all your critique, admonishment, bluntness, challenging, and those "difficult" chats -- I would not be where I am without any of the latter!
From those distant, yet unforgettable days of the summer of 1992, when Alban and I, prompted by Pastor David Currie, received the divine calling for pastoral ministry, to this day, I have been honoured to serve/learn/contribute in/at/to our wonderful church family that I have encountered everywhere -- Trans-European Division (1992-present), Newbold College (1995, 1996-1999, 2003-2005), Adriatic Union Conference (1999-present) and Albanian Mission (1993-present), as volunteer, literature evangelist, Bible worker, intern, church planter, editor, theology student/"systematician", student/assistant residence-hall dean, chaplain, team/social club leader, licensed pastor, -- I am grateful to TED/NC/AUC/AM for supporting my formal education/employment, as well as for impacting and shaping my character, ministry, vision and sense of mission.
Trixi and I are currently serving in Tirana, Albania's capital, pastoring and re-planting Tirana-Central Adventist Church and other affiliated groups/companies, with a target/focus on young professionals. As we see our church grow by the day in spirituality and numbers, we can only testify with humility of the miracles the Holy Spirit is performing in Tirana and the rest of Albania through our ministry, as we remain committed, optimistic and excited about the prospective growth of God's Kingdom in Albania.
We thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for all of you,
Kindest regards and greetings from Tirana,
Julian & Beatrice Kastrati
18 maj 2008
- E shtune 24 maj - 11:00 Dite vizitoresh - Program i vecante adhurimi ne qender - me miq te vecante nga Franca - Ftoni miqte dhe te afermit!
- E shtune 24 maj - Ceremoni pagezimi 16:30 ne Divjake - te gjithe te ftuar.
- E diel 25 maj - Turnamenti i futbollit i kishave Adventiste te rajonit ne Shkup.
- Cdo te marte 18:00 -Studim Biblik - "Vargje te veshtira nga Bibla" - ne zyrat e Misionit (Vila 70, Selite)
- Cdo te premte 19:00 - Takimi i Rinise
07 maj 2008
Amantia 3 vjec
06 maj 2008
Gezuar Ditelindjen!

03 maj 2008
Nuk kam kohe te jem shenjtor/e
Zot i gjithe eneve dhe tiganeve dhe gjerave,
meqenese nuk kam kohe te behem nje shenjtore e madhe duke bere gjera te bukura
apo te meditoj deri vone per Ty, a te enderroj ne driten e agimit apo te vershoj drejt portave te parajses
beme shenjtore ndersa gatuaj gjelle dhe laj pjatat
Ndonese duhet te kem duart e Martes, kam mendjen e Marise, dhe kur llustroj cizmet e kepucet,
Zot, atje gjej sandalet e Tua, mendoj se si shkelen mbi toke, sa here qe pastroj me dore dyshemene
Pranoje kete meditim Zot, nuk kam kohe per me shume
Ngrohe gjithe kuzhinen me dashurine Tende, dhe ndricoje me paqen tende;
M’i fal te gjitha merakosjet, dhe m’i ndal murmuritjet e qarjet
Ti qe do aq shume sa i jep njerezve per te ngrene, ne toke apo ne det, pranoje sherbimin qe une bej,
sepse e bej per Ty!24 prill 2008
Me shume foto nga sabati i 12 prillit
07 prill 2008
Sabat, 12 prill 2008!
04 prill 2008
Cunat u kthyn nga Zagrebi

Me kolegun maqedons ke kafja
29 mars 2008
te shtunen tjeter - 5. Pril 2008
Megjithate, ne do takohemi ne sallen i Selites si vitin i kaluar.
Horari eshte njesoj: Takimi 10:30h, fillim i sherbeses 11:00h.
Me falni shqipen e tmerrshem ime, zoti ju bekofte,
22 mars 2008
15 mars 2008
Rruge te mbare!
05 mars 2008
Dje takova Elviren per te cilen jemi lutur javet e fundit dhe lavdi Zotit, eshte sheruar dhe eshte mire me shendet. Gjithashtu, Marjeta njofton me gezim se Sarah eshte shume mire dhe dergon falenderimet per te gjithe ata qe jane lutur. Ne lidhje me dokumentat per hipotekimin e tokes se kishes nuk kemi marre ende pergjigje zyrtare nga zyra e pasurive te paluajtshme, ndersa per sa i perket sezonit te provimeve, shume prej studenteve (Univ. apo Master), Flori, Fatjoni, Elda, Matilda, etj, jane shprehur te kenaqur me rezultatet e provimeve.
Kete jave ju ftoj te lutemi ne menyre te vecante per nenat tona, me rastin e 8 marsit, nderkohe qe vazhdojme te lutemi per te semuret. Per kerkesa specifike qe deshironi t'i beni publike ju lutem te shkruani ne blog ose ne email-in tim jkastrati@gmail.com
Zoti ju bekofte,
04 mars 2008
Te fala nga Selaniku

23 shkurt 2008
Sabat te lumtur te gjitheve!
13 shkurt 2008
Shporta e lutjes kete jave
1) Elvira, anetare e kishes (nga grupi i F.Mezezit), mbesa e Zares, eshte shtruar serish ne spital (ka 2 dite). Triksi dhe une i shkuam per vizite dhe i siguruam te afermit e Elvires se do te lutemi vazhdimisht per permiresimin e shendetit te saj te brishte. 2) Sigurisht te vazhdojme te lutemi per Sarah, vajzen e Marjetes; 3) sot kam bere edhe njehere (me dokumente plotesuese) aplikimin per hipotekimin e prones (tokes sone) dhe ju kerkoj qe te lutemi per nje mrekulli te mundshme qe te arrijme te dokumentojme pronesine e kishes; dhe 4) te lutemi per te gjithe ata qe jane ne sezon provimesh gjate shkurtit...
Sigurisht qe keto jane vetem kater nga kerkesat e shumta qe mund te kemi. Ju lutem t'i permendni ato tek komentet ketu poshte. Zoti ju bekofte te gjitheve,
25 janar 2008
Turnamenti Futbollit ene Cunat e Kishes

23 janar 2008
P.S. Thjesht zgjidhni nje nofke dhe filloni te shkruani (chat-oni)
Kisha Adventiste Tiranë Shqipëri — Adventist Church Tirana Albania
We want Google to spit out this webpage when you type those words, so keep checking for this Blog please!
22 janar 2008
Faleminderit dhe dite te mbare te gjitheve,
17 janar 2008
Potluck/Seminar më 26 janar
Një traditë e bukur e kishave Adventiste në mbarë botën është drekimi në Sabat në shoqërinë e njëri-tjetrit. Ka ardhur koha që edhe kisha jonë ta bëjë të vetën këtë traditë, e cila do të na dhurojë një bekim shtesë ndërsa kalojmë kohë së bashku (shih Veprat 2:42-47).
Kështu, Sabatin e 26 janarit, pas adhurimit, do të drekojmë së bashku "alla potluck" – secili sjell/kontribuon diçka (do flasim për detajet). Pas drekës vijon një seminar interesant dhe interaktiv për Shkollën e Sabatit me Pr. Sylvain Romain.
Faleminderit dhe ju lutem lini komentet tuaja poshtë duke click-uar tek comments.
Juli & Trixi
Tremujori I 2008
Data | 5 jan | 12 jan | 19 jan | 26 jan | 2 shk | 9 shk | 16 shk |
Shk.Sab. | Eli | Flori | Denata | Denata | Altin | Eli | Linda |
Mesazhi | Juli | Juli | Trifjol | Sylvain | Genti | Altin | Eli |
Juli në: | TR-Q | TR-Q | KO | TR-AD | EL | TR-Q | TR-Q |
Info të tjera | Potluck Seminar për Sh. Sabatit |
Data | 23 shk | 1 mar | 8 mar | 15 mar | 22 mar | 29 mar | 5 prill |
Shk.Sab. | Gerti | Edlira | Nela | Altini | Flori | Gerti | Juli |
Mesazhi | Juli | Altini | Edlira | Flori | Juli/Trixi | Sylvain | AUC |
Juli në: | TR-Q | TR-Q | TR-Q | TR-Q | TR-Q | HR | TR-Q |
Info të tjera | Prog. special për gratë | Pashka: Darka e Zotit | Fest. i Besimit |